These records purportedly reveal the truth behind the "War Of The Lions": a Succession Crisis from centuries ago when two competing lords waged a war of intrigue and blood to place their desired puppet ruler (Princess Ovelia, or her younger brother Orinas) upon the throne. Set in the fantasy world of Ivalice, the game's Framing Device is a report from a present-day historian who has uncovered a secret set of documents called the "Durai Report". Due to the immense resemblance and many developers shared between the two series, particularly Yasumi Matsuno, the game can be seen as a Spiritual Successor to Tactics Ogre. It combines Turn-Based Strategy with a Role-Playing Game, and is the first game in the series to take place in the world of Ivalice. Final Fantasy Tactics is a Gaiden Game entry in the pants-twistingly popular Final Fantasy series.